Contributions are evaluated initially by the Primary Review Committee (PRC). Manuscripts that fulfil the essential scientific and editorial requirements for publication in Arkivoc are forwarded for blind peer review. PRC rejection is waived for manuscripts that fall just short of the above standard. These manuscripts are returned to authors with advice and, help is offered on how to bring the manuscript up to standard. Manuscripts that are unsound or have inadequate characterization of new compounds are not forwarded for review by referees, and the authors so informed.
All manuscripts approved by the Primary Review Committee are sent to a Scientific Editor and a Referee Assigner. Referees (usually four) will be assigned, at least two from the Board of Referees, who will advise the Scientific Editors on the suitability of the manuscript for publication. Authors are requested to submit three suggestions for referees, none of whom should be from the author's institution. The Scientific Editor receives reports from the referees. Upon receipt of referees' reports the Scientific Editor makes a decision: accepted, rejected or referred back to authors. Authors are informed of the decision. The accepted manuscript is posted on the website as an "Accepted manuscript" with a DOI attached. Finally, the paper is published after approval of proofs by the author, the accepted manuscript is deleted.
Arkivoc Editorial Board