Seventeen previous Florida Conferences have brought together the academic and industrial communities
with an abundance of heterocyclic and synthetic chemistry reflecting the current interest in the subject.
The 18th Florida Heterocyclic and Synthetic Conference (FloHet 2018), will continue in the tradition
of its highly successful predecessors. Registration will start on Sunday, March 4th with a Welcome Reception.
On Monday the March, 5th through Wednesday the March, 7th, the Conference will feature
eleven plenary lectures given by academic and industrial experts from around the world together with invited lectures
and a short course on catalysis and heterocyclic chemistry. A poster session combined with a buffet supper will be held
on the evening of Monday, March 5th. A wine reception and conference banquet are scheduled for the evening of Tuesday,
March 6th. The conference will close with a farewell party on the evening of Wednesday, March 7th.
Online registration will open on this website Fall, 2017.