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We thank OAKWOOD CHEMICAL for their generous support of Arkivoc and the FloHet Conferences


ARKIVOC Volume 2008

Part (i): Special Issue 'Reviews and Accounts'
Scientific Editor: Viktor V. Zhdankin
(Issue completed with 10 papers and 308 pages)
Part (ii): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 293 pages)
Part (iii): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Csaba Szantay on the occasion of his 80th anniversary
Facilitator: Laszlo Hazai
Scientific Editor: Ramaiah Muthyala
(Issue completed with 18 papers and 210 pages)
Part (iv): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Irina P. Beletskaya on the occasion of her 75th anniversary
Facilitator: Andrei Cheprakov
Scientific Editor: Joachim Schantl
(Issue completed with 13 papers and 138 pages)
Part (v): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Rosalinda Contreras on the occasion of her 60th anniversary
Facilitators: Maria de Jesus Rosales and Angelina Flores-Parra
Scientific Editor: Alan P. Marchand
(Issue completed with 20 papers and 282 pages)
Part (vi): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Torbjorn Norin on the occasion of his 75th anniversary
Facilitators: Lars Bohlin and Gordon M Cragg
Scientific Editor: Martin A. Iglesias-Arteaga
(Issue completed with 14 papers and 159 pages)
Part (vii): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Guy Queguiner on the occasion of his 70th anniversary
Facilitator: Francis Marsais
Scientific Editor: Anthony Waring
(Issue completed with 10 papers and 100 pages)
Part (viii): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Arlette Solladie-Cavallo on the occasion of her 70th anniversary
Facilitators: Marta Salisova and Marin Roje
Scientific Editor: Paul Krapcho
(Issue completed with 19 papers and 253 pages)
Part (ix): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Oleg Kulinkovich on the occasion of his 60th anniversary
Facilitators: Vladimir Tyvorskii and Oleg Epstein
Scientific Editor: Mikael Begtrup
(Issue completed with 13 papers and 148 pages)
Part (x): Commemorative Issue in Honor of Prof. Nouria A. Al-Awadi on the occasion of her 55th anniversary
Facilitators: Osman El-Dusouqui and Frank Hegarty
Scientific Editor: John Arthur Joule
(Issue completed with 15 papers and 204 pages)
Part (xi): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 321 pages)
Part (xii): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 285 pages)
Part (xiii): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 285 pages)
Part (xiv): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 343 pages)
Part (xv): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 349 pages)
Part (xvi): General Papers
(Issue completed with 30 papers and 326 pages)
Part (xvii): General Papers
(Issue completed with 31 papers and 328 pages)
Authors Index

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